Hypermobility- Double Jointedness-
Bendy Joints- EDS- Ehler Danlos Syndrome..
Joint hypermobility is a term to describe the capability of joints to move beyond normal limits, it has often be called "Double Jointedness." It can exist by itself or be a part of a more complex diagnosis.
EDS and HSD are on a spectrum or continuum and each person experiences
different symptoms.
Each type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is defined as a distinct problem in connective tissue.
Connective tissue is what the body uses to provide strength and elasticity; normal connective tissue holds strong proteins that allow tissue to be stretched but not beyond its limit, and then safely return that tissue to normal. Connective tissue is found throughout the body, and Ehlers-Danlos syndromes are structural problems. An analogy: If one builds a house with faulty materials, say half the necessary wood or with soft aluminum nails, it is certain there will be problems. Some problems are more likely to show up than others, but because those materials were used everywhere and are not necessarily visible, one can be surprised by where a problem shows up or how serious it is.
Physiotherapists can assist by:
Implementing Strengthening exercise programs which are the cornerstone of treatment for Ehlers–Danlos syndrome/ Hypermobility. Strengthening helps provide the surrounding joints with stability.
Providing information and education about the body systems impacted by EDS
Support each person with getting diagnosed and have their symptoms better managed.
They are also able to assist in improving the stamina, fatigue and manage pain symptoms often associated with HSD and EDS.
Hydrotherapy-a great way to strengthen with less joint strain
Other treatments available for children with hypermobility include: hydrotherapy, tapping, massage, TENS and orthotics.
As a classroom teacher I am also able to work with you, your child and their school create the optimal learning environment and manage your child's hypermobility issues.