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Handwriting and Writing

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Let me first say there is a large difference with being able to handwrite letters legibly and being able to create a written text.



The aim to improve a child’s handwriting is a common reason why children, with and without diagnosed medical conditions, receive Physiotherapy or Occupational Therapy. 

Handwriting is a complex process of managing written language by coordinating the eyes, arms, hands, pencil grip, letter formation, and body posture. It is an advanced skill that requires the application of visual, cognitive, motor and sensory abilities. How a child’s handwriting evolves can commonly assist in indicating if there are any developmental or learning difficulties present.


While a child’s school teacher is chiefly responsible for directing handwriting skills, Move to Learn- Paediatric Physiotherapy can help to regulate any areas of difficulty such as: core strength, fine motor control, sensory processing, postural or visual perceptual, that may be present and that are impacting the development of your child's handwriting.

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The development of a child's handwriting can provide clues to developmental problems that could hinder a child's learning because teachers depend on written work to measure how well a child is learning.


At, MOVE TO LEARN Paediatric Physiotherapy, I can evaluate the underlying components that support a student's handwriting, such as muscle strength, endurance, coordination, and motor control and provide therapy as well as home activities for parents and support ideas for school so as to develop good handwriting skills in your child.



How I can Help...…

     * Measure the level of trunk, core and arm physical strength and endurance.

   Improve core muscle control and postural awareness that is essential for

    being able to sit upright and handwrite

  • Ensure correct posture to enable appropriate use of head, eyes, arms and hands

  • Analyse fine motor control, such as the ability to hold a writing tools.

  • Determine visual and perceptual ability that influences a child's ability to form letter and shapes using a writing utensil.

  • Help develop and evaluate handwriting curriculums and collaborate with teachers on effective strategies.

     * Improve any handwriting fatigue

  • Improve fine motor skills, pencil grasp and control

  • Improve hand dominance and hand strength

  • Improve legibility of handwriting
  • Utilise lines properly and encourage better spatial awareness of how to handwrite within the space of the page.
  • Promote better formation of letters and numbers, including steady sizing
  • Choosing appropriate equipment and tools most compatible with the child (e.g. pencils, pen, pencils, grips, table and chair)
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